1. $$$ CHA-CHING. Payroll baby!!!
2. Vegas Nights: VSA/Puzzle Entertainment

It was a fun night, full of heavily intoxicated folks who wished the bars were open all night because this night was BANGIN'. With DJ Lourawk and myself on the 1's and 2's, there's nothing short of what we would call "fun":

Notice baby girl's pinky... she can't close it because she cut her nerve cutting me an apple! I'm so sorry about that!!

It was packed... :P
3. KSA Frostbite Event: I'll be going over that after next week... December 5th is the night ladies, so be sure to catch your girls and yourself in your best dresses, men, please DO NOT ROCK NICE SNEAKERS... expect to get stepped on throughout the night.
Just lookin' out for the homies... But yes, full update next week!