Hey everyone,
So another long awaited update on my whereabouts and doings. I have been quite well; as Wreck Room continues to become into something I would imagine would be the ideal "dancer's haven," I managed to finally put the orders in for Fish Food Collections (click here for fish food
one or
two for a sample). Should be arriving in a couple weeks, and here are three reasons why you should pick one up:
1. There is an additional 25 minutes of music that cannot be heard from any of the links above (which in total it is a whopping 60+ minutes worth of music). If you already enjoy what I have to offer on my other
free mixtapes, then I'm sure you'll be saying something along the lines of "BECAUSE OF THIS FISH BOOGIE MIXTAPE I CAN FINALLY HIT MY AIRFLARE-FLARE-90 COMBO FLAWLESSLY AND NOT FEEL A DAMN THING."
2. This being the first CD released in my lifetime, I'm sure if I ever become someone worth knowing it'll be good for personal keepsake.
3. Support Support Support..
Peep game in another couple weeks till I get it. It'll be dope!!
Many of you have been asking me about my playlists (especially tracks I play for Wreck Room nights) and wondered if you can get a playlist to get down to and enjoy; so I decided to compile a personal playlist I listen to randomly when I'm outside from DJing or dancing--and yes, majority of the shit I listen to is already from
Wreck Room anyhow... Tell me what you guys think and if I get enough feedback I'll continue putting out playlists like this more often:
A Phat Personal PlaylistThe BAWWWS-FB