
FREE Monthly Beats! First Edition!!!

Hey everyone,

Alongside mixtapes, I decided to upload monthly beats for everyone to enjoy and stay up on for future jams. If there's one thing I'd like the Seattle scene to excel in, it's musicality. By giving you these songs, I am now challenging everyone to open their minds to all sorts of beats; some might be good, some you might think is wack... but hey, it happens at a jam whether you like it or not. Always be prepared!

With that said, this month's theme in particular is good ol' northwest classics. I've seen recent videos lately from different countries using songs that were played jam after jam when I first started dancing. From then I thought, "I hope people in the northwest forgot about these songs..." This is my dedication to all the first jams I went to from back in the day: the PLU series, MM day, the Shoreline Rec/YMCA jams, 360/BTS, and all the other smaller, local jams that were so low key, only the most dedicated came out to support. Thank you!

Yes, if you HAVE been from the same (or older) scene from what I've experienced, you will most likely have most of these songs. However be prepared, I have included my own pick of songs as well to make it more worthwhile to check out.

FOR EVERYONE: Besides your musicality, I am challenging you to dig deeper in the crates... I have included a special riddle in the text file that's inside the giftbox. For each month, the riddle will challenge you to know about the history of the music we all jam out to. You email/pm me your answer, and I will send you the special link for the prize (and yes, these aren't just regular songs.. expect some heaters). But please, don't ruin the fun by just sending the link to your friends, because this is some real homework that will reward you generously if you take the time to educate yourself...

Dig deep... Stay up... Peace.



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