
Results are in!!

Thanks for all those who voted for my next mixtape. From the looks of it, it will be a bboying session mixtape, plenty of breaks, soul, funk, you know, all that good stuff. ;) Now I don't think I will be able to work on this until later on this week, only because school's been roundhouse-kicking my face back and forth, thus requiring myself to attend to other matters.. But yes, regardless, you will all receive a kick-ass mixtape created by yours truly, and I have high hopes for this new one. :) Expect great things, and don't forget to tell all your mothers that I'm going to make the greatest mixtape of all time. That is all I ask.

In the coming weeks I will be flying out to Las Vegas for two jams, the Vegas Shakedown as well as Claws Out: III, both of whom are being thrown by good friends of mine. Hopefully things turn out great while I'm out there, I'll be sure to take lots of photos to show everyone out here to expand, and learn the benefits of traveling and seeing what's out in the world, because really, we only live once.

I believe as normal human beings, we tend to forget that we are all merely specks of living matter in a universe that is far too large for any of us to comprehend. We have oceans still unconquered, continents of which we have not been in, the skies that are seemingly endless that move over our heads without realizing it... What is really out there, in this place we call "Earth?"

I want to know what it means to live. I want to see, indulge in, experience cultures that I have never been to... I want to know how it feels to be where nobody has ever been to, tell stories that anyone would enjoy, live to dine in places where foods I eat normally originated (Italian pasta from Italy? Japanese food from Japan? Greek in Greece?). I want to visit the Seven Wonders of the World, get photos, and be satisfied.

Naturally I feel like yes, it is A LOT of time and money that needs to be put in this, but someway, somehow, I will make it happen. I truly will.


Murs: Murs for President = Dew from the Heavens!

No hate, but much to appreciate.

Murs has been on the come up since I've been checking out his shit from Murs3:16 and the Felt album with Slug (Felt: A Tribute to Lisa Bonet, which I felt was also a decent album to begin with). I stopped listening to him-no specific reason, just stayed away from hip hop for awhile-and suddenly it hit me when I was watching MTV Jams today while studying for my Psych midterm for Wednesday: He's on MTV... the fuck?

Instantly I began listening and watching; his crazy-ass mismatched hair instinctively caught my attention after that Jackson 5 sample began hitting. "Oh man... oh man..."

A lot of the choppiness sounding samples may irritate some, but in a sense I have this growing interest in it (ever since I left the 9th wonder phase, I felt like anything sounding choppy was shit, off-sounding and unappealing, as well as sloppy) once again and I feel like much the album was smoothened out, meaning there was a strong groove with the uses of the deep kick that is used pretty much in every song-hell, I like it though!

Being a DJ that looks more for the beat than lyricist at all... I'd have to rate this album a solid 4/5. Could be better, but hell, he's on the come up!


Claws Out: Frat Parties are Dirty. Herrhah deeerrrrttyyy.

Alright, so basically this was breakdown of the jam that happened last night (Er.. last Saturday):

-People have a new found love for Justin Timberlake. Didn't think it would cause such a big deal.
-For once in awhile the audience was actually made up of more than 50% of UW students/average people from the regular 99% bboys + 1% girlfriends/16 year old high school girls a.k.a. "Jailbait."
-Majority of the battles were much heated, much of whom I thought have really worked hard to get where they are now.
-Free red bulls or water for me :)

Upon arriving to Phi Kappa Theta, I saw some things that were noteworthy and will use it as a constant reminder to never go to a frat party unless I was on my way of meeting up with a girl:
-Floors/walls were literally dripping with sweat. I couldn't breathe nor tell the difference between people taking a shower or dripping with sweat (not to mention the humid air).
-You are not able to see the person in front of you, unless you had a cellphone light. That kind of stuff really bothers me, mainly because if you were being sandwiched by two fat chicks you would not be able to tell the difference (unless you were feeling around, then I suppose you would be in utter disgust and would want to disappear).
-The walk home: That sucks. Moving on...
-Singing Happy Birthday is now a habitual moment in history now.

Got some more offers to do more events in the coming months, excited to see where this goes, and hopefully it becomes something big! Time to make a difference.


PS. I will make it a goal to fix this blog up and add more goodies (music, videos, etc.) on this page.. Cheers!


Radio... what?

To start of my first blog and official "rant" on this page, I just gotta let some stuff off my chest that really bothers me about music in today's age. I'm sorry, but people are stupid, and that isn't the worst part of it all: it keeps continuing. No longer are people able to create an identity for themselves; in fact most of us spend more time listening to what's popular at the moment, and follow along with the trend, it's just part of our biological humanistic antics, and I hate it! Stop to think about what you listen to before saying "I like this." And no, in no way in hell am I trying to be a non-comformist by telling you to stop listening to top 40's, but in fact, stop listening to trash you genuinely know won't be listened to within a year (not too long but in music it's pretty quick). I'm a DJ for Christ's sake, I don't really have too much of a choice when it comes down to hating a lot of music; I gotta find things I like about it in order for me to try and like it enough to play it for whoever the hell I'm spinnin' for. It really ain't easy.

Hell, if I really wanted it my way, we would be listening to Janet, Keyshia, MJ, and Biggie every song I play. That would be a bangin' set, but hell, nobody ever really fucks with R&B or anyone dead in the clubs/parties. I'll show them though!!!! HUZZAH!!!

In other news this weekend is Claws Out:SE, should be exciting, because I sure am! More pictures/details later.