To start of my first blog and official "rant" on this page, I just gotta let some stuff off my chest that really bothers me about music in today's age. I'm sorry, but people are stupid, and that isn't the worst part of it all: it keeps continuing. No longer are people able to create an identity for themselves; in fact most of us spend more time listening to what's popular at the moment, and follow along with the trend, it's just part of our biological humanistic antics, and I hate it! Stop to think about what you listen to before saying "I like this." And no, in no way in hell am I trying to be a non-comformist by telling you to stop listening to top 40's, but in fact, stop listening to trash you genuinely know won't be listened to within a year (not too long but in music it's pretty quick). I'm a DJ for Christ's sake, I don't really have too much of a choice when it comes down to hating a lot of music; I gotta find things I like about it in order for me to try and like it enough to play it for whoever the hell I'm spinnin' for. It really ain't easy.
Hell, if I really wanted it my way, we would be listening to Janet, Keyshia, MJ, and Biggie every song I play. That would be a bangin' set, but hell, nobody ever really fucks with R&B or anyone dead in the clubs/parties. I'll show them though!!!! HUZZAH!!!
In other news this weekend is Claws Out:SE, should be exciting, because I sure am! More pictures/details later.
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