First off, I'd like to thank all those who have given me (or even considered giving me) the opportunity to spin at their events, whether it's a house party, club, bboy event, any little bit at the moment is helping me put myself out on the map (and hopefully stacking that paper soon WOOP WOOP)! It's always such a good feeling at the end of the day, realizing you have made about 50-100 people's night experience something to remember about (what you know about those panty droppers? LOL).
My boy DJ Lourawk and I were KILLIN' it on the tables last night (house party at my friend's). We really didn't even have to touch anything above the 102 bpms just because we had so much material, I figured we didn't even need to go any faster (or slower) all night. At some point in the night we had about a good amount of people dancing, enough for the floors to be sticky and slippery (from condensation.... disgusting).
Upon arriving at Jack in the box at around 3AM, I had a realization that we just got ourselves a little bit more ahead than before with making the "DJing" dream come true. With the coming newer gigs (as well as club nights with Lou, YEAH THAT'S MY BOYYYY) I feel like this may be taking us in a direction that will be... quite interesting. I'm actually curious about how things will unravel, and how we shall overcome it. I'm just lucky to have such a good partner starting off (most definitely).
So, to be a bit more stricter with myself, starting this week I will be making weekly mixes to see my own progression with mixtapes and if I do feel it necessary, I will put them online for all of you lovers/haters to download to throw on your ipod, cellphone, myspace, facebook, whatever the hell you use to communicate and flaunt your style. GIT IT!
It's time to get a bit more serious than before. As winter is melting away, I hope that as Spring arrives, I will do a bit more about "Spring cleaning" my priorities as well as my room.